Welcome to Linnarc

Architectural tours with Erik Linn through recent and older urban developments

Do you, like me, find the city quite exciting? With streets and buildings that form spaces which are alive and change over time? Does it make you curious and eager to learn more?

Then you are welcome to join me on guided tours through urban centres and neighbourhoods, where we study buildings and plans, getting acquainted with historical pasts as well as future plans and visions.

My name is Erik Linn, I am a trained architect with broad experience from architecture and urban developments. Through the tours presented on this website, I wish to share some of that knowledge that makes the city understandable. Perhaps it will also make it possible for you to experience your surroundings from new points of view.

Rewarding architectural tours

I have previously conducted architectural tours in Gothenburg and Copenhagen, that have been quite appreciated. At this point, I offer tours in my home city of Gothenburg. You can expect events with rewarding schemes and content.


You gain professional knowledge in architecture and urban developments

Broad perspectives

You will be able to join the dots with economics, politics and society in general

Historical insights

You gain understanding of history and what has led up to today’s situations


You meet new people with whom you can network

Upcoming events

You will hear every word

For the tour, you get to borrow an earpiece that allows you to hear what I say into the microphone. No crowding is necessary – on the contrary you are free to move around freely within 20-30 metres without the risk of missing anything. With the equipment, we can have a comfortable tour together with unobstructed focus on the city and its buildings.

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